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International Debt Recovery

Overseas Debt International Debt Collection Debt Recovery

International Debt Recovery

At Redwood Collections, we specialise in simplifying the complexities of international debt recovery. 

With expertise in navigating diverse legal, political and financial systems worldwide, we ensure a seam you recover outstanding debts, no matter where your debtor is located. Trust Redwood Collections to securless process to helpe what’s rightfully yours, globally.
E x p e r i e nc e d T eam O u r debt r eco v e r y s p e c ia l i s ts a r e w e ll- v e r se d i n t h e i n t r i c a ci es o f i n t e rna t i o nal debt col l e c t i o n T r ans p a re nt F ees W e p r ov i de c l e a r and u p f r o nt h and l i n g fees and c o mm i ss i o n r a t es, s o y o u k n ow ex a c tly w h at to ex p e c t C o mmi t m e nt to R es u lts O u r goal i s to r eco v e r y o u r debt a s qu i c k ly and e f f i cie ntly a s possi bl e, e ns u r i n g m i n i mal d i s r u p t i o n to y o u r c a sh f l ow W hy c h o o s e R e d w o od f o r I n t e rna t i o nal D ebt R eco v e r y? G l o b al N et w o r k W i t h p a rt n e r s a c r oss t h e w o rld, we e ns u r e y o u r c a s e i s h and l e d by ex p e rts who und e r s t and t h e l ocal l egal f r a m e w o r ks and cu lt u r al c o ns i d e r a t i o ns

Global Reach, Trusted Partners

We understand international debt recovery isn’t a one-size-fits-all process which is why we're adaptable to jurisdiction. Every country has its own laws and regulations with cultural considerations. We leverage a trusted network of local experts and legal partners worldwide, allowing us to effectively navigate these differences. By combining local knowledge with our proven debt recovery strategies, we ensure the most efficient and compliant path to recovering your debts, no matter where your debtor is located.


We take data protection and compliance seriously. All international recovery activities are carried out in accordance with relevant data protection laws, including the UK GDPR and we only work with overseas agents who meet our strict compliance standards. You can trust us to handle sensitive information with the utmost care and professionalism.


Through our strategic partnerships with trusted overseas agents, we offer a truly global service. Our network enables us to pursue debts in multiple countries, ensuring your case is handled professionally and efficiently, no matter where the debtor is located. With our in-depth knowledge of international debt recovery laws and practices, we aim to collect debts in-house under our standard commission rate of 15% before involving our overseas agents, which may incur additional fees.

Handling Fees for International Debts

Referring an overseas debt to us incurs a one-off handling fee to cover the necessary administration costs. These fees are based on the value of the debt:


  • Debt balance under £1000: £75.00

  • Debt balance under £10,000: £145.00

  • Debt balance £10,000+: From £495


This fee covers the initial administrative steps needed to pursue your case on an international scale.


International Commission Rates

Once your case has been referred to one of our overseas agents, an alternate commission structure will apply. Below are our international commission rates, depending on the debtor's location:


  • United Kingdom: 15%

  • European Union: 25%

    Including Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey.

  • Other Europe: 30%

    Including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Malta, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

  • Middle East & Africa: 35%

  • Rest of the World: 45%


These commission rates reflect the complexity and unique challenges of debt recovery in different regions.

How can we help?

From one-off bad debts to ledgers that require more regular attention, we’re here for you.

Tell us how we can help your business, please complete this form.

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