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Our services

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Redwood Collections

Service packages to recover a range of commercial debts

Our debt collection packages achieve results. We understand our clients’ individual needs and support them every step of the way – with no commission unless we are successful.

Packages include:

Collections: for rare or one-off debts
Collections +: for a bespoke service against pre-agreed credit control processes
Independent Schools: specialist debt management for the education sector

We’re here when you need us. With no fixed contract or commitments for any of our debt collection packages, you can rest assured we’ll free your business from the burden of debt management, whether you have a one-off debt or regular overdue accounts.

Refer a Debt

How can we help?

From one-off bad debts to ledgers that require more regular attention, we’re here for you.

Tell us how we can help your business, please complete this form.

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